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Symptoms and signs of ADHD in females

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

By DiverseMinds Research Team

Reading time 5 minutes⏰

ADHD manifests itself in three ways:

  • The hyperactive-impulsive personality type.

  • form of inattentiveness

  • The combination type is characterised by a mix of symptoms from the other two categories.

While females can have any of the three forms of ADHD, those who are diagnosed with it are more likely to have the inattentive variety. Concentration, organisation, and learning and digesting new information are all symptoms of this kind.

In other words, not everyone with ADHD appears hyperactive, fidgety, irritable, or impulsive. It may take longer for parents and teachers to recognise signs when children do not act out or disturb others.

The following are some important indicators of ADHD in girls:

  • Even when their parents or instructors advise them to stop, they continue to speak often or excessively.

  • Extreme emotional sensitivity and reactivity, such as a tendency to cry or become quickly offended.

  • They have a laser-like concentration on the things that fascinate them.

  • At home or at school, you may have difficulty paying attention to directions.

  • a proclivity for daydreaming or appearing to be lost in their own world

  • Movements that are sluggish or distracted

  • a propensity of spouting out ideas or acting on impulses without considering the consequences.

  • forgetfulness on a regular basis

  • a propensity of abandoning goals or plans in the middle of them.

  • Disorganization, such as a cluttered bedroom, desk, or rucksack.

  • Interrupting classmates' discussions and activities on a regular basis.

  • Friendships are difficult to create and keep.

  • Having trouble doing coursework on time.

Some females may have more acute symptoms right before and during their menstruation.

Girls, according to EvidenceTrusted Source, had less severe symptoms, particularly hyperactive-impulsive symptoms. When parents and teachers observe these indicators, they may attribute them to immaturity or personality differences.

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